Erosion in America Erosion of America's farmland by wind and

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari sunda3379 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Erosion in America Erosion of America's farmland by wind and water has been a problem since settlers first put the prairies and grasslands under the plow in the nineteenth century. By the 1930s, more than 282 million acres of farmland were damaged by erosion. After 40 years of conservation efforts, soil erosion has accelerated due to new demands placed on the land by heavy crop production. In the years ahead, soil erosion and the pollution problems it causes are likely to replace petroleum scarcity as the nation's most critical natural resource problem. 14. As we understand from the reading, today, soil erosion in America.... HOTS a. causes humans to place new demands on the land b. is worse than it was in the nineteenth century c. happens so slowly that it is hardly noticed d. is the most critical problem that the nation faces e. is worse in areas which have a lot of petroleum production 15. The author points out in the passage that erosion in America HOTS a. has damaged 282 million acres ever since settlers first put the prairies and grasslands under the plow b. has been so severe that it has forced people to abandon their settlements c. occurs only in areas with no vegetation d. can become a more serious problem in the future was on the decline before the 1930s​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

The answer for number 14. As we understand from the reading, today, soil erosion in America is b. is worse than it was in the nineteenth century, and then the answer for number 15. The author points out in the passage that erosion in America is d. can become a more serious problem in the future


  • Nomer 14. b. is worse than it was in the nineteenth century

~ erosi tanah di Amerika adalah b. lebih buruk daripada di abad kesembilan belas. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dalam kutipan "After 40 years of conservation efforts, soil erosion has accelerated due to new demands placed on the land by heavy crop production..."

a. Dikatakan erosi tanah telah dipercepat karena tuntutan baru di tanah oleh kegiatan produksi tanaman berat.

  • Nomer 15 d. can become a more serious problem in the future

~ erosi tanah di Amerika dapat menjadi problem yang lebih serius di masa mendatang. Hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari kutipan "In the years ahead, soil erosion and the pollution problems it causes are likely to replace petroleum scarcity as the nation's most critical natural resource problem."

a. Di tahun-tahun mendatang, erosi tanah dan masalah polusi yang ditimbulkannya kemungkinan besar akan menggantikan kelangkaan minyak bumi sebagai masalah sumber daya alam paling kritis di negara ini.

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Materi tentang Erosi Tanah

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Last Update: Sun, 20 Nov 22