jawab 2 soal aj plisMy TimmyI have some pets. However,

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Jawab 2 soal aj plisMy Timmy
I have some pets. However, my favourite pet is Timmy. Timmy is a male tabby cat. He is very adorable with his soft stripes fur. He has innocent round eyes and feeble sweet voice. He always meows when I come home, he usually give me a kiss. Timmy is a nice playmate. I'm so happy to spend my time with him. Most of the time, he's a good cat. It's almost impossible for me to be angry at him. In the morning, he always wakes up early. When he wakes up earlier, he waits quetly by my bedside until I wake up.

1. What is the purpose of the text?
To describe something or to entertain the readers?
2. what kind of text is it, a descriptive or narrative text? How do you know?


Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. the purpose of the text is to describe the writer's favourite pet

2. it's a descriptive text, because from the sentences I know the writer is describing her/his favourite pet. for example the 4th sentence "He is very adorable with his soft stripes fur" until the last sentence. so the main thing is the writer describe her/his favourite pet's characteristic.


maaf jikalau ada yang salah dengan jawabannya, smoga membantu

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Last Update: Mon, 17 Apr 23