Tuliskan!!! 100 kalimat simple present100 kalimat simple pastDan 100 kalimat

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari pencarijawaban043 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tuliskan!!!100 kalimat simple present
100 kalimat simple past
Dan 100 kalimat precontinous
Note:Tolong ya bg/KK perlu untuk besok​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Bro, mungkin kamu typo, mau menulis 10? Kalau 100 mungkin terlalu sulit

Berikut yang bisa saya berikan, hanya 10 saja:

Simple Present :

  1. I eat breakfast every day.
  2. She drinks coffee in the morning.
  3. They play soccer every Saturday.
  4. He works at a company.
  5. We watch movies on the weekend.
  6. The sun rises in the east.
  7. My parents love each other.
  8. The birds sing every morning.
  9. I walk to the park every day.
  10. She studies hard for her exams.

Simple Past:

  1. I ate breakfast yesterday.
  2. She drank coffee this morning.
  3. They played soccer last Saturday.
  4. He worked at a company for 5 years.
  5. We watched a movie last night.
  6. The sun rose in the east this morning.
  7. My parents loved each other for many years.
  8. The birds sang a beautiful song yesterday.
  9. I walked to the park yesterday.
  10. She studied hard for her exams last week.

Past Continuous:

  1. I was eating breakfast when she called.
  2. She was drinking coffee while reading the news.
  3. They were playing soccer when it started to rain.
  4. He was working at his computer when his boss came in.
  5. We were watching a movie when the power went out.
  6. The sun was rising when I saw it from my window.
  7. My parents were loving each other until the end of their lives.
  8. The birds were singing a beautiful song while I was having a picnic.
  9. I was walking to the park when I saw an accident.
  10. She was studying hard for her exams when she fell asleep.

answer by : @DaudF

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Last Update: Sun, 30 Apr 23