III. Complete the following sentences using appropriate Adverbs of Place. @2

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari raarahmaa580 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

III. Complete the following sentences using appropriate Adverbs of Place. @2 points 11. Whenever you are hungry, you can go and check out ___________________.12. Come here around evening. I will be ___________________ by then.
13. After reading, the books must be returned back ___________________.
14. I put the chair ___________________ another chair.
15. Don’t hang the clothes ___________________. It may attract mosquitoes to stay there.
16. Deep ___________________, many forms of sea creatures are still undiscovered.
17. The weather is quite cold ___________________.
18. I add two slices of cheese ___________________ my bread.
19. I waited for the bus ___________________.
20. You can find the name of the book author ___________________. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

11. Whenever you are hungry, you can go and check out the kitchen.

12. Come here around evening. I will be at home by then.

13. After reading, the books must be returned back to the library.

14. I put the chair beside another chair.

15. Don't hang the clothes outside. It may attract mosquitoes to stay there.

16. Deep down, many forms of sea creatures are still undiscovered.

17. The weather is quite cold here.

18. I add two slices of cheese on top of my bread.

19. I waited for the bus outside.

20. You can find the name of the book author on the cover.

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Last Update: Tue, 21 Mar 23