This text is for questions 1 and 5Mobile phones or

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari prkjsssssssss pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

This text is for questions 1 and 5Mobile phones or mobile for short, are one the latest technological invent that pope nowadays cannot live without. Everyone young or old, seems to have a mobile. Developing comtries, surprisingly, show a high number of mobile phone user. According to statistics, Indonesia ranks sist in terms of mobile use, with over 90% of mobile users

The main reason why mobiles are very popular is because they make communication easier Distance no longer means much when you can connect to others through phone calls or messaging applications, in real time. Modern mobile phones can save hundreds of phone numbers, so that conventional phone book are no longer necessary. In addition, today mobile phones have a variety of applications that make life easier, such as calendar, stopwatches, alarm clocks, and camera. People can even use computer applications on a mobile

For all the advantages that offer mobile phones do have several short comings. They are a distraction that have caused an array of addictions, such as addiction to selfies (photos of oneself taken with a camera, most often on a mobile phone), social media, and the internet. Addiction may also be fatal as there is a record of accidents caused by taking selfies. For example falling into a crater while taking a "selfie Nowadays people are too absorbed in their phones or even use their phones so avoid social interaction

Today, mobile phones are an important part of people's lives. However, people need to be aware of the consequences and start using their mobile phones responsibly

1. What does the text tell us about ?

a. The function of mobile phone.
b. The use of mobile phone
c. The way to operate a mobile phone
d. The negative impact of mobile phone e. The advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones

2. Why can mobile phone cause traffic accident?

a. They distract driver
b. The signal disturbs traffic lights
c. They cause addiction
d. The signal disturb vehicle engines
e. The technology attached in mobile phones disturb drivers

3. What does paragraph 2 talk about?

a The pros and cons of mobile phones
b. The evolution of mobile phone
c. The disadvantages of mobile phones
d. The types of mobile phones
e. The advantages of mobile phones

4. "Nowadays people are too absorbed in their......(paragraph 3) The synonym of the underlined word is..

a. haze
b. threat
c. chance
d. captivated
e. annoyance

5. What is the conclusion of the text?

a. Mobile phones are necessary in people's live.
b. Mobile phones are necessary
c. Mobile phones have advantages and disadvantages,
d. People have to use mobile phones sensibly
e. The advantages of mobile phones far outweigh the disadvantages.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


e. The text discusses both the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones.

a. Mobile phones can distract drivers and cause traffic accidents.

e. Paragraph 2 talks about the advantages of mobile phones, such as making communication easier and providing various useful applications.

d. The synonym of "absorbed" in this context is "captivated."

d. The conclusion of the text is that while mobile phones are important in people's lives, they can also have negative consequences and should be used responsibly.

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Last Update: Tue, 01 Aug 23