dear santi,congratulations on reacing your sales perfomance goal know what

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari noiru pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Dear santi,congratulations on reacing your sales perfomance goal know what was involved in gentting it accomplished in record breaking time and in not only meeting your goal but surpassing it! i'm so proud of you for setting your sights high and making every effort lo achieve that truly are laeding by example to ensure your team's continuing teputation for have worked hard and proved to youself and everyone what you are capable wishes for continued succes.- what are santi's characteristics based on the text above?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Artinya ::

dear santi,congratulations on reacing your sales perfomance goal know what was involved in gentting it accomplished in record breaking time and in not only meeting your goal but surpassing it! i'm so proud of you for setting your sights high and making every effort lo achieve that truly are laeding by example to ensure your team's continuing teputation for have worked hard and proved to youself and everyone what you are capable wishes for continued succes.

- what are santi's characteristics based on the text above?

dear santi,congratulations on reacing your sales perfomance goal know what was involved in gentting it accomplished in record breaking time and in not only meeting your goal but surpassing it! i'm so proud of you for setting your sights high and making every effort lo achieve that truly are laeding by example to ensure your team's continuing teputation for have worked hard and proved to youself and everyone what you are capable wishes for continued succes.

- what are santi's characteristics based on the text above?

Terjemah :;

sayang santi, selamat telah mencapai tujuan kinerja penjualan Anda. Ketahui apa yang terlibat dalam mencapainya dalam waktu memecahkan rekor dan tidak hanya memenuhi tujuan Anda tetapi juga melampauinya! saya sangat bangga dengan Anda karena menetapkan pandangan Anda tinggi dan melakukan segala upaya untuk mencapai tujuan itu. Anda benar-benar memberi contoh untuk memastikan teputasi tim Anda yang berkelanjutan untuk keunggulan. Anda telah bekerja keras dan membuktikan kepada diri sendiri dan semua orang apa yang Anda mampu harapan untuk sukses terus.

- apa ciri-ciri santi berdasarkan teks di atas?

Jawaban :: Like to work hard


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Last Update: Tue, 25 Oct 22