Complete this text with the Past Simple or the Past

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari aingsapasi pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete this text with the Past Simple or the Past Continuous.Jack’s father …………………… (read) a book last night when he …………………… (hear) a noise out in the garden. He …………………… (open) the window and looked out. It …………………… (be) a dark night and at first he could see nothing. But as he …………………… (shut) his window, he …………………… (see) a man. The man ………….………… (try) to climb over the garden wall. He was a thief. When he saw Jack’s father at the window, he ………………… (jump) off the wall and ran away. Jack’s father ………………… (run) after him. There was a car at the end of the street, and someone else …………..………… (wait) for him inside. The thief reached the car, but just as he ……………… (get) into it, Jack’s father ……………… (catch) him.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Jack's father was reading a book last

night when he heard a noise out in the

garden. He opened the window and

looked out. It was a dark night and at

first he could see nothing. But as he was

wasshutting his window, he saw a man.The

man tried to climb over the garden wall.

He was a thief. When he saw Jack's father

at the window, he jumped off the wall

and ran away. jack's father ran after him.

There was a car at the end of the street,

and someone else was waiting for him

inside. The thief reached the car, but just

as he was getting into it, Jack's father

caught him.

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Last Update: Wed, 18 May 22