Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari zaenab210 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Every body has emotions. They are the feelings you have. They help you to get the
most out of life and to face emergencies when they arise. You get emotional satisfaction out
of so many things that you enjoy-reading, playing, team games, being with other people, and
gaining success at something.
Feelings of pleasure are not, however, the only feelings you have. You also have
feelings of sorrow, fear, disappointment, anger. These feelings are parts of life. It is important
to learn how to handle them when they occur. Unless you do, they'll get in your way. They
may prevent you from doing what you want to do; they may give other people an unpleasant
impression of you. They may also affect your physical health.
You have seen people tremble when they get excited and angry. You know that when
you are upset about something, your emotions interfere with your digestion of food.
Learning to handle your emotions is part of growing up. You can not get rid of
painful feelings by telling your self that you do not have them. What, then can you do when
you feel angry or upset? You can, in the first place, try to understand what is that is making
you feel that way. If your problem is a serious one or if you can not understand your feelings,
it is wise to talk with some older person who is interested in you. Often just talking out your
feelings will make you feel better.

Sebutkan gramer yang terdapat pada teks diatas dan berikan masing masing 1 contohnya!

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  • Noun: emotions, feelings, pleasure, sorrow, fear, disappointment, anger, life, way, impression, health, digestion, food, problem, person, talking.

Contoh: Emotions are a natural part of human experience.

  • Adjective: emotional, unpleasant, physical, painful, serious, older.

Contoh: Emotional satisfaction is important for our well-being.

  • Verb: have, enjoy, face, learn, handle, occur, prevent, affect, tremble, understand, talk.

Contoh: We all have emotions that we need to learn to handle.

  • Adverb: however, also, when, then, often.

Contoh: However, not all emotions are pleasant.

  • Pronoun: they, them, you, your, yourself.

Contoh: You can not get rid of painful feelings by ignoring them.


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Last Update: Sun, 18 Jun 23