Klipeck 1. Write the words below into your own sentences

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mutm6465 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Klipeck 1. Write the words below into your own sentences in Present Perfect Tense Form. (Positive, negative, introgative). A. endure. B. start. C. report. D. sale E. share. F. grow G. increase. H. slip I. tell. J. Overtake tolong bantu jawabanya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Present Perfect Tense:

A. endure.

(+) She has endured the pain for two.hours.

(-) She has not endured the pain for two hours.

(?) Has She endured the pain for two hours?

B. start.

(+) They have started tha game.

(-) They have not started tha game.

(?) Have they started tha game?

C. report.

(+) She has reported it.

(-) She has not reported it.

(?) Has she reported it?

D. sale

(+) He has received a sale.

(-) He has not received a sale.

(?) Has he received a sale?

E. share.

(+) We have shared the information.

(-) We have not shared the information.

(?) Have we shared the information ?

F. grow

(+) She has grown bigger.

(-) She has not grown bigger

(?) Has she grown bigger?

G. increase

(+) The temperature has increased.

(=) The temperature has not increased.

(?) Has the temperature increased?

H. slip

(+) He has slipped his love letter into her bag.

(-) He has not slipped his love letter into her bag.

(?) Has he slipped his love letter into her bag?

i. tell.

(+) She has told him about it.

(-) She has not told him about it.

(?) Has she told him about him?

J. Overtake

(+) The government has overtaken that company.

(-) The government has not overtaken that company.

(?) Has the government overtaken that company?


Jawaban merupakan materi pembelajaran Present Perfect Tense karena menjelaskan aktivitas kegiatan yang sudah dilakukan dalam Bahasa Inggris.

Present Perfect Tense:

(+) Subject + Have/Has + Verb-3 + Object

(-) Subject + Have/Has + not + Verb-3 + Object

(?) Have/Has + Subject + Verb-3 + Object + ?

Semoga membantu ya.

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Last Update: Fri, 21 Apr 23