Make a short story' about eid mobarok Please answer fast

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari WhittyMustKill pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Make a short story' about eid mobarok
Please answer fast before 19.00

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Eid Holiday Together

In the morning, during Eid al-Fitr. I woke up early to perform Eid prayers at 9:00 WITA. I was woken up by my mother to immediately pray at dawn, take a shower, and have breakfast so I wouldn't oversleep. After the dawn prayer, shower, and breakfast I immediately left with my family to go to the Jabalusallam Mosque to perform Eid prayers. And at 10.00 WITA I returned home to stay in touch with my extended family. After staying in touch with my extended family, I took a photo to make it a beautiful memento. This is one of the photos during Lebaran. After taking pictures, I also made various cakes made by the family. And I also know the meatballs made by my Aunt are delicious. I really like the sambal meatball, it's very tasty (spicy-spicy is still delicious). To the point that I mostly eat meatballs, so my stomach is full. After I finished I went around to stay in touch with my close neighbors, friends, and family who were far away. So far to Samarinda "Wow". When I go around to stay in touch, I am full, because I appreciate cakes and food a lot. I am very happy for Eid this year, this Eid is a very enjoyable Eid. Even though when I took a picture there was a hole (not fasting), but I will replace it.

by : Firman Akbar

semoga membantu Anda, salam sehat:)

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Last Update: Thu, 04 Aug 22