1. Put in some or any a. I bought _____ cheese

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ScmyZeus pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. Put in some or anya. I bought _____ cheese but I didn’t buy _____ bread.
b. I’m going to the post office. I need _____ stamps.
c. There aren’t _____ shops in this part of town.
d. George and Alice haven’t got _____ children.
e. Have you got _____ brothers and sisters?
f. There are _____ beautiful flowers in the garden.
g. Do you know _____ good hotels in London.
h. ‘Would you like _____ tea?’ ‘Yes, please.’
i. When we were on holiday, we visited _____ very interesting places.
j. Don’t buy _____ rice. We don’t need _____.
k. I went out to buy _____ milk but they didn’t have _____ in the shop.
l. I’m thirsty. Can I have _____ water, please?

2. Put in much or many
a. Did you buy _____ food?
b. There aren’t _____ hotels in this town.
c. We haven’t got _____ petrol.
d. Were there _____ people on the train?

e. Did _____ students fail the examination?
f. Paula hasn’t got _____ money.
g. I wasn’t very hungry. I didn’t eat _____.
h. I haven’t seen George for _____ years.

3. Write sentences about these people. Use much and a lot
a. Jim loves films. (go to the cinema) He goes to the cinema a lot.
b. Linda thinks TV is boring. (watch TV)
c. Tina is a good tennis player. (play tennis)
d. Martin doesn’t like driving. (use his car)
e. Paul spends most of the time at home. (go out)
f. Sue has been all over the world. (travel)

4. Put in a little/ little/ few/ a few
a. There was _____ food in the fridge. It was nearly empty.
b. ‘When did Sarah go out? ‘_____ minutes ago.’
c. I can’t decide now. I need _____ time to think about it.
d. There was _____ traffic, so we arrived earlier than we expected.
e. The bus service isn’t very good at night – there are _____ buses after 9 o’clock.
f. ‘Would you like some soup?’ ‘Yes, _____, please.’
g. I’d like to practice my English more but I have _____ opportunity.

5. Right or wrong? Correct the sentences where necessary. Write OK if the sentence is
a. We’re going away for few days next week. For a few days
b. Everybody needs little luck. ____________________________
c. I can’t talk to you now – I’ve got few things to do. ________________________
d. I eat very little meat – I don’t like it very much. __________________________
e. Excuse me, can I ask you few questions? _______________________________
f. There were little people on the bus – it was nearly empty. __________________

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


I bought some cheese but i didn't buy any bread.

i'm goingto the post office.i need some stamps.

there aren't any shops in this part of town.

George and alice haven't got any children.

have you got some brothers and sisters?

There are some beautiful flowers in the garden.

Do you know somegood hotels in London.

would you like some tea? Yes,please.

when we were on holiday, we visited some very interesting places.

Don't buy any rice. we don't need  anymore.

I Went out to buy some milk but they didn't have any milk in the shop.

I'm thirsty. Can i have some water, please?


Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh husnuul dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Wed, 01 Mar 23