B. Complete the text below using the words in the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari attharreyhan1506 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

B. Complete the text below using the words in the box! My neighbour, Tania is a veterinary surgeon who runs (1)... next to her clinic. Veterinary surgeon is more famously called (2).... Tania does lots of great things to (3) .... For example, she treats and cures the animals' injuries, takes care of their (4)... thoroughly, feeds them well, she keeps them clean and (5)... from fleas, and others. There are a few pets sold at Tania's pet shop, such as (6) ... kinds of cat, kinds of dog, hamsters, iguanas, parrots, and rabbits. Tania also helps her (7)... to find some other exotic or unusual pets. For example, if a customer wants to have (8)... as his pet, she will try (9)... her fellow pet shop owners to see if one of them wants to sell. Tania also sells other things essential for petting, such as animals (10) ..., cages, toys, bowls, etc. food free health a snake a pet shop various to contact customers a vet animals 3.​
B. Complete the text below using the words in the box! My neighbour, Tania is a veterinary surgeon who runs (1)... next to her clinic. Veterinary surgeon is more famously called (2).... Tania does lots of great things to (3) .... For example, she treats and cures the animals' injuries, takes care of their (4)... thoroughly, feeds them well, she keeps them clean and (5)... from fleas, and others. There are a few pets sold at Tania's pet shop, such as (6) ... kinds of cat, kinds of dog, hamsters, iguanas, parrots, and rabbits. Tania also helps her (7)... to find some other exotic or unusual pets. For example, if a customer wants to have (8)... as his pet, she will try (9)... her fellow pet shop owners to see if one of them wants to sell. Tania also sells other things essential for petting, such as animals (10) ..., cages, toys, bowls, etc. food free health a snake a pet shop various to contact customers a vet animals 3.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. pet shop

2. a vet

3. animals

4. health

5. free

6. a snake

7. customer

8. various

9. to contact

10. food

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Last Update: Tue, 23 May 23