I believe in angelsSomething good in everything i seeI believe

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I believe in angelsSomething good in everything i see
I believe in angels
When i know the time is right for me
I'll cross the stream - I have a dream
What does the verse mean?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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The verse you mentioned is lyrics from the song "I Have a Dream" by ABBA. The verse expresses the belief in angels and finding something good in everything one sees. It conveys a sense of optimism and faith in the unseen forces that guide and protect us. The line "When I know the time is right for me, I'll cross the stream" suggests a hopeful anticipation for a future moment or opportunity when the speaker will pursue their dreams. Overall, the verse conveys a positive outlook and a belief in the possibilities and dreams that lie ahead.

Joki tugas Anda dengan mudah dan efisien bersama kami! hubungi nomer dibawah ini


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Last Update: Wed, 02 Aug 23