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Dapatkah kamu menuliskan struktur teks pada teks di bawah ini?Awan's First Day to School Awan remembered his first day of going to school. It was an embarrassing moment. In the morning, he woke up at 6.00. It was late. Then, he took a bath and brushed his teeth in a rush. He skipped his breakfast because he was afraid of coming late on his first day of school. At 06.30 he ran to school since it was near his house. At 06.45, he was in front of his school, but he saw no one except Pak Dahlan, the school security. After that Pak Dahlan asked, "What are you doing on this Sunday morning?" Later, Awan realized that he came to school one day earlier. Finally, he walked home. At home, his parents smiled and asked, "Have you done the morning jogging?"​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Pendahuluan: Awan's First Day to School.

2. Pengenalan tokoh dan latar: Awan remembered his first day of going to school.

3. Komplikasi: It was an embarrassing moment.

4. Alur cerita:

a. Awan woke up at 6.00. It was late.

b. Awan took a bath and brushed his teeth in a rush.

c. Awan skipped his breakfast because he was afraid of coming late on his first day of school.

d. At 06.30, Awan ran to school since it was near his house.

e. At 06.45, he was in front of his school, but he saw no one except Pak Dahlan, the school security.

f. Pak Dahlan asked, "What are you doing on this Sunday morning?"

g. Awan realized that he came to school one day earlier.

h. Finally, he walked home.

5. Penutup: At home, his parents smiled and asked, "Have you done the morning jogging?"

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Last Update: Sun, 25 Jun 23