In each of these sentences a word is missing. Provide

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari andhienoctavian96 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

In each of these sentences a word is missing. Provide a word from the lines 4-14 of the text Mixed Economies..a. The USSR is a _____ of communism.

b. The Americans are _____ to a system of private enterprise.

c. To control an economy is much the same as to _____.

d. The work was carefully _____ by the authorities for five years.

e. It is necessary to make a sharp_____ between planned and unplanned economies.

f. He does not work in this _____ of the economy but in the public one.

g. A mixed economy possesses some of the qualities of the two main _____ of economic system.

h. Coal, steel and farming are very important national _____.

i. The _____ of the workers were happy about the new plan, but a small number were not.

j. Some industrial _____, like BP and ICI, are international as well as national in their activities.

please bantu jawab lagi ya​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


a. The USSR is a representative of communism.

b. The Americans are accustomed to a system of private enterprise.

c. To control an economy is much the same as to direct.

d. The work was carefully monitored by the authorities for five years.

e. It is necessary to make a sharp distinction between planned and unplanned economies.

f. He does not work in this sector of the economy but in the public one.

g. A mixed economy possesses some of the qualities of the two main forms of economic system.

h. Coal, steel and farming are very important national industries.

i. The majority of the workers were happy about the new plan, but a small number were not.

j. Some industrial firms, like BP and ICI, are international as well as national in their activities.

Note that the above words are used in the context of the text, but it's possible that in other context the same word could have a different meaning.

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Last Update: Tue, 18 Apr 23