contoh kalimat active dan passive dari simple present tense jawab

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Contoh kalimat active dan passive dari simple present tense
jawab yahh​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



She sings a beautiful song.

They play football every weekend.

I drink coffee every morning.

The dog barks at strangers.

The teacher explains the lesson.

The birds fly in the sky.

The students answer the questions.

He reads a book before bedtime.

The children paint a picture.

The rain falls from the clouds.


A beautiful song is sung by her.

Football is played by them every weekend.

Coffee is drunk by me every morning.

Strangers are barked at by the dog.

The lesson is explained by the teacher.

The sky is flown in by the birds.

The questions are answered by the students.

A book is read by him before bedtime.

A picture is painted by the children.

The clouds are fallen from by the rain.


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Last Update: Sun, 07 May 23