ah Fill in the blanks by choosing the provided words

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari haidaida141 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

ah Fill in the blanks by choosing the provided words in the box! In the J. (1), there were no people on the earth. Lumawing, the Great Spirit, came down from the sky and cut many reeds. He (2) those into pairs which he placed !. (3) different 9 parts of the world, and then he ... (4) to them, "You must speak." Immediately the reeds became people, in each place there were a ... (5 and a woman. who could talk, but the language of each couple was different ... (6) that of the others. Then Lumawing commanded each man and woman to were many children, all ... (8) the same language as their parents. (7), which they did. After a while there They, in turn, (9) and had many children. In this ... (10) there came to be many people C.Pernikahan e.cara/ jalan 11. di dalam 9.membagi divided married way speaking said man F.mengatakan I h. lelaki on the earth. from marry ... D. bicara Read the story below carefully! in beginning 13. Mulai​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



Anggi: What do you think about (1) ...?

Kiki: I think it is dangerous animal because it is a carnivore.

Anggi: They have (2) ... teeth that can tear easily their prey. They are also a good runner.

Kiki: They also have good eyesight, so they can catch their (3) ... effectively.

Anggi: They are really a good (4)... in the jungle.

Kiki: But we have to (5) ... them. Their population is decrease every year.

Anggi: Yes, we have to.

Conversation 2

Sita: Do you know about (6) ...?

Fida: I know it is amphibian animal. It lives in land and water. It also breathes by using

lung and skin when they are (7) ...

Sita: They lay their eggs in water. They also have metamorphoses (8) ... into an adult


Fida: That's right. Frogs eat (9) ... worms, and other small creatures. There are many

kinds of frog in this world.

Sita: There are many kinds of frog in this world. I think it is one of (10) ... animals.

Fida: I agree with you, although I do not like it.











1. g. tiger. 6.j. frog

2. a. sharp. 7.h.adult


3. i. prey. 9.d.insects

4. b.hunter. 10.f.unique

5. c.protect

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Last Update: Wed, 19 Apr 23