Read the text and answer the questions! Everybody knows tigers

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari vanesshavirly pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the text and answer the questions! Everybody knows tigers especially in their wildness of hunting instincts and skill for survival and their extinction. The habitats of tigers are in Asia. Siberia, and India. And the habitats of the tigers in each place decrease every year, like we found in India where there are less than 3.500 tigers in wild around of which 1.411 are in India with its habitat falling by over 50% in last 30 years. Globally, tigers occupy less than 7% of their historical geographical landscape. Tigers are one of the biggest among the 37 species of cats in the world today. Tigers have very sharp teeth and very powerful claws to catch their preys such as deer, zebras, eve buffaloes, and other animals to be able to survive. Although tigers placed in the highest rank of predators but there is also another predator which can assassinate tigers. The predator is a lion. Lions do not eat the tigers but just kill them to erase rivalry in catching their target. There are also some descriptions of tiger that distinguish it from other species. Tigers have big mouths and also big gums. Tigers have piercing yellow eyes that glow in the dark that are used to hunt their preys at1.what are tigers know for?
2.what are the preys of tigers?
3. what do tigers use to catch their preys?
4. why don't lions eat tigers after killing them?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. Tigers are known for their hunting instincts and skills for survival, as well as their extinction.
  2. The preys of tigers include deer, zebras, buffalo, and other animals.
  3. Tigers use their very sharp teeth and powerful claws to catch their preys.
  4. Lions do not eat tigers after killing them because they kill them to erase rivalry in catching their target, not for food.


Hopefully the answer can help

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Last Update: Sat, 13 May 23