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tolong bantu jawab pertanyaan ini​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. Where is Denis?
Denis is in his garage.

2. What does Denis fix?
Denis is fixing his bicycle.

3. Where is the wooden box?
In the corner of the garage.

4. What are there inside the wooden box?
Screwdriver, an inner tire, scissors, a wire, and a hammer.

5. What do Denis and his father do after fixing the bicycle?
They goes to the dining room to have lunch.


--Jawaban berasal dari teks yang dicetak tebal.

My name is Denis. (1) My father and I are in the garage now. (2) We want to repair my bicycle. My father needs some equipments before repairing it. The equipment is inside (3) the wooden box in the corner of the garage. (4) There are a screwdriver, an inner tire, scissors, a wire, and a hammer. Those things are very useful to fix my bicycle. (5) After we finish fixing the bicycle, we go to the dining room to have lunch. Mother has prepared very delicious lunch.

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Last Update: Fri, 12 May 23