Write the correct verb for the right answerI _______ (help)

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fortzinsta pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Write the correct verb for the right answerI _______ (help) my father in the rice field every day.
We _______ (not learn) English every two days.
He _______ (walk) to school.
She _______ (read) a book.
It _______ ( rain) every day in Seattle.
We _______ (have) a party
They _______ (not understand) me.
I _______ (not want) to go.
You _______ (not need) to worry.
He _______ (not play) soccer.
She _______ (not like) tomatoes.
It _______ (not be) cold today.
We _______ (not go) out tonight.
They _______ (not want) to come.
Do you _______ (like) ice cream?
Does he _______ (live) in New York?
Does she _______ (teach) English?
Does it _______ (snow) in winter?
Do we _______ (have) class on Monday?
Do they _______ (speak) French?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


I help my father in the rice field every day.

We do not learn English every two days.

He walks to school.

She reads a book.

It rains every day in Seattle.

We are having a party.

They do not understand me.

I do not want to go.

You do not need to worry.

He does not play soccer.

She does not like tomatoes.

It is not cold today.

We are not going out tonight.

They do not want to come.

Do you like ice cream?

Does he live in New York?

Does she teach English?

Does it snow in winter?

Do we have class on Monday?

Do they speak French?

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Last Update: Sat, 03 Jun 23