Text 1. Hints for the Business Traveler

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari febryray1224 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Text 1.Hints for the Business Traveler If you do a lot of business traveling, sooner or later you will need ground transportation. For trips that are too short and too long for a taxi, it makes sense to hire a car service. Such services are often called limousine services. They operate in large cities and in small ones, and even in rural areas where there are few airports or major transportation centers.

1. Why would you want to hire a car service?
a. Your car breaks down b. You can’t take a taxi or rental car c. It’s less expensive d. You are in a large city

2. What is another name for a car service?
a. Ground transportation service b. Taxicab service c. limousine service d. Airport service

3. According to this notice, who should hire a car service?
a. People whose flights are left b. People whose flights are c. People on leisure trips early d. People on business trips

Text 2
The City Convention Center is looking for an assistant convention coordinator. Duties include organizing exhibit and meeting space for upcoming conventions, overseeing exhibit set- up, and coordinating audio-visual requests of participants. If you are good with details, enjoy people, and don’t want to sit behind a desk, this job is for you. Come by City Hall, Room 203, for an application

4. What is NOT mentioned as the duties of the assistant?
a. Arranging travel b. Organizing exhibit spac c. supervising set-up d. Handling audio-visual requests

5. What kind of person would like this job? a. Someone who prefers to work alone b. Someone who works well with people c. Someone who likes a quiet atmosphere d. Someone who hates de​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. D. Youre in large city

2. C. Limousine service

3. D. people in business trip

4. A. Arranging travel

5. A. someone who prefers to work alone


maaf kaloo salah ya..

Sorry if there are mistakes

hope it help

semoga membantu:)))))

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Last Update: Thu, 13 Jul 23