Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari victor177204 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas
2. 3. 4. Hospitality. The Painting Will Always Make Us Think Of You ! Who Writes The Letter? What is The Gift Given to Jhon And Rena? What is The Type Of The Personal Letter Above. Due To Many Sharp Corals. The Visitors Are Prohibited To Swim Along This Area Where Do We Usually Find The Text? Cordially Yours, Love. Jhon And Rena. 5. 6. Write Down 2 Imperative Sentences (We Use Imperactives To Tell Someone T Do Something Or To Give Instructions, Orders, Warning, Directions, Ect). ** Dear Irvan, Let Me Congratulate you on Getting The best Mark On Your Final Examination. I Hope You Can Have The Best School For Your Next Study.
Jawaban dan Penjelasan
Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.
- It is not clear who writes the letter.
- A painting is given as a gift to Jhon and Rena.
- The type of the personal letter is not specified.
- The text is usually found in a warning sign or notice board.
- Imperative sentence 1: "Please close the door after you."
- Imperative sentence 2: "Don't forget to bring your passport."
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Last Update: Fri, 30 Jun 23