My School Library My school library is located in front

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari bakribeck691 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

My School Library My school library is located in front of my school. It is big and tidy. There are many kinds of book put on the shelf, they are text books, novels, encyclopedias, folk stories, dictionaries and magazines. The students can visit the library every day when they need. The visitors of the library always keep their voice to be silent because if they make noise they will disturb others. The students can read the books and borrow them to read in their house if they have a member card of the library. The library can help the students to get more information and knowledge 1. Make a dialogue of asking and giving opinion about the library based on you've read in the text above! Mamat Julia 2. What will you do if you go to the library? (Write down 2 things you will do in the library, using "will") ? (asking opinion) (giving opinion) 3. Make a dialogue of inviting someone to do something in the library! Dandi ? (inviting) (respond; accept) Fauzan 4. Recommend 2 things what the visitors of the library should or shouldn't do in the library according to the text above! You You .penggunaak kata should dan should not pada saat berkinjung ke PERPUSTAKAAN

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



Mamat: Hey Julia, have you visited the school library yet?

Julia: Yes, I have. It's a really nice place.

Mamat: Yeah, I agree. I love how it's always tidy and has so many different kinds of books.

Julia: Definitely. It's great that we can borrow the books too.

Mamat: Yeah, and I really appreciate how they ask us to keep the noise level down so we don't disturb others. It makes it a really peaceful place to study.

What will you do if you go to the library?

I will borrow some books to read at home.

I will spend some time reading and researching in the library.

Dandi: Hey Fauzan, do you want to go to the library with me after class?

Fauzan: Sure, that sounds like a good idea.

Dandi: Great! I'm looking forward to checking out some new books and maybe doing some research for a project.

Fauzan: Yeah, me too. I could use some new reading material, and the library is always a great place to focus and get some work done.

Visitors of the library should keep their voices to a low volume to avoid disturbing others.

Visitors of the library should return borrowed books on time to avoid late fees.

Visitors of the library should not bring food or drink into the library to keep it clean.

Visitors of the library should not damage or deface the books in any way

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Last Update: Tue, 14 Mar 23