The text below is for questions 6 to 10. 'It's

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari knisa7803 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

The text below is for questions 6 to 10. 'It's necessary': Greenpeace Lauds Government's Plan to Tax PlasticsEnvironmental watchdog Greenpeace Indonesia has applauded the government for planning to impose a levy on plastic products. describing it as an important measure to reduce the plastic waste that is damaging the environment.
"Taxes are one way to constrain. uncontrolled plastic consumption, as single use and non-recyclable plastic has damaged the environment and threatens human and animal life." Greenpeace spokesperson tald In a statement on Thursday.
"We are at the peak of a plastic crisis. because our landfills can't hold those kinds of waste anymore. Our rivers and seas have become trash bins for these plastic products." said the spokesperson. The government has set an ambitious target of 70 percent marine debris reduction by 2024; therefore, "real and quick efforts are necessary," he went on to say.

Finance Minister has told that the government is planning to impose an excise on plastics, among other commodities. The plan would reduce plastic consumption by up to 50 percent, she said, adding that the government would receive revenue of Rp1.6 trillion each year. It would also force plastic producers to transform themselves into producers of environmentally friendly goods. Indonesia has been listed as the world's second-largest marine polluter as 15 percent of 1.3 million tons-195.000 tons of plastic waste ends up
pertanyaan ada Lampiran
nomor 6-10
The text below is for questions 6 to 10. 'It's necessary': Greenpeace Lauds Government's Plan to Tax Plastics Environmental watchdog Greenpeace Indonesia has applauded the government for planning to impose a levy on plastic products. describing it as an important measure to reduce the plastic waste that is damaging the environment.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


6. E

7. E

8. A

9. C

10. A


maaf kalo salah

kalo bener jadiin jawaban tercerdas

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Last Update: Sat, 29 Apr 23