Tolong bantuannya kakYona : You look sad. What's the (1)

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari udin096112 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Tolong bantuannya kakYona : You look sad. What's the (1) matter?

Riko : There are only twenty (2) viewer watching my video.

Yona: May I watch your video?

Riko: Sure.

Yona : You have a good (3) concept for your video, but your editing is not smooth. You should
(4) revise it so that people will like it.

Riko : I am not good at editing videos. I guess I should (5) hire a video editor.

Yona: You don't need to do it. I can help you do it, if you like. I will also (6) teach you how to edit a good video.

Riko : I'd (7) love to. Thanks, but I don't want to (8) bother you.

Vona: Don't worry. If you know the (9) procedure you can do it yourself for your next videos.

Riko : (10) All right. Thank you.

Yona : Don't mention.​
Tolong bantuannya kakYona : You look sad. What's the (1) matter?Riko : There are only twenty (2) viewer watching my video.Yona: May I watch your video?Riko: Sure.Yona : You have a good (3) concept for your video, but your editing is not smooth. You should(4) revise it so that people will like it.Riko : I am not good at editing videos. I guess I should (5) hire a video editor.Yona: You don't need to do it. I can help you do it, if you like. I will also (6) teach you how to edit a good video.Riko : I'd (7) love to. Thanks, but I don't want to (8) bother you.Vona: Don't worry. If you know the (9) procedure you can do it yourself for your next videos.Riko : (10) All right. Thank you. Yona : Don't mention.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Complete the following statements:

1. Rico feels sad because there are only twenty viewer watching my video.

2. Yona is good at editing videos.

3. Yona offers help to Rico to edit his video and teach him how to edit.

4. Initially, Riko reluctant to ask for help because he is afraid of bothering Yona.

5. Finally, Riko accept the offer.


Teks di atas termasuk jenis sebuah Dialog. Dialog adalah sebuah teks kutipan kalimat perbincangan antara dua orang atau lebih berdiskusi tentang sesuatu topik pembicaraan. Dialog biasanya menggunakan bahasa sehari-hari dengan kata-kata yang informal. Dialog Pada umumnya dilontarkan dengan menggunakan Simple Present Tense.

Teks kalimat dialog memiliki ciri-ciri yaitu:

• Pihak yang terlibat percakapan menggunakan bahasa yang mudah dimengerti satu sama lain.

• Teks kalimat Dialog biasanya diawali dengan nama individu yang berbicara langsung.

• Teks kalimat selalu diawali dan diakhiri dengan tanda kutip (“...“).

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Last Update: Sat, 29 Oct 22