The problem of traffic congestion and air pollution has been

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari tikaanvt31 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

The problem of traffic congestion and air pollution has been increasing at an alarm rate since last few years all over the world. Thus, many experts come up with the solution that cars should be restricted in town centres. Firstly, it would reduce pollution greatly, which is especially important since town centres always consist of tall buildings and narrow spaces which often hoid the pollution in one spot. Secondly, with less traffic there would be fewer accidents, and hence society would save money because of reduced medical expenses. Finally, with fewer cars, there would be no illegal parking areas and parking spaces This would allow more space for buildings, houses, parks, and the movement of buses and people, which could enhance a city greatly For those reasons, I think that cars should be restricted from town centers but only during peak hours. The government should also have to work in making public transport system more powerful along with building over bridges, tunnels, and bigger lanes highways.1. Describe what happens when all residents of a town have their own car! 2. How would you outline the benefits of cars restriction?
3. What can you say about the writer's opinion? Does he/she agree with the experts' opinion?
4. What are the problems if private cars were banned?
5. How would you solve a problem about traffic congestion and air pollution? ​

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Last Update: Sat, 05 Aug 23