text! Little Red Riding Hood Little Red Riding Hood (1)...

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Text! Little Red Riding HoodLittle Red Riding Hood (1)... in a wood with her mother. One day, Little Red Riding Hood went to visit her grandmother. She had a nice cake in her basket On her way, Little Red Riding Hood (2)... a wolf. "Hello!" said the wolf. "Where are you going?" "I'm going to see my grandmother. She lives in a house behind those (3) The wolf ran to Granny's house and (4)... Granny up. He got into Granny's bed. A little later. Little Red Riding Hood reached the house. She looked at the wolf. "Granny, what big (5)... you have!" "All the better to see you with!" said the wolf. "Granny, what big ears you have!" "All the better to (6)... you with!" said the wolf. "Granny, what a big nose you have!" "All the better to (7) Scan the QR Code for listening Anti-Corruption Education Keeping your health is an action of care for yourself in order to prepare your better quality future. "Granny, what big teeth you have!" you with!" said the wolf. "All the better to eat you with!" (8) ... the wolf. A woodcutter was in the wood. He heard a loud (9) ... and ran to the house. The woodcutter hit the wolf over the head. The wolf opened his mouth wide and shouted and Granny (10)... out. The wolf ran away and Little Red Riding Hood never saw the wolf again. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. lived
  2. met
  3. trees
  4. dressed
  5. eyes
  6. hear
  7. smell
  8. exclaimed
  9. noise
  10. jumped

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Last Update: Sun, 16 Apr 23