Activity 2: Using Mustn't Change the following prohibition with mustn't

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mega64460 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Activity 2: Using Mustn'tChange the following prohibition with mustn't as the example!
Don't take a picture here! You mustn't take a picture here.

1. Don't enter the room! .....
2. Don't smoke in this area! .......
3. Don't sit on that chair! The paint is still wet. → ......
4. Don't use your phone on a plane! .....
5. Don't tease the animals at the zool .......

bantu jwb pertanyaan ini kak besok pagi di kumpulkan kak plissssssssss

terjemahan bahasa Indonesia ya kak plissssssssss​
Activity 2: Using Mustn't Change the following prohibition with mustn't as the example! Example: Don't take a picture here! You mustn't take a picture here. 1. Don't enter the room! ..... 2. Don't smoke in this area! ....... 3. Don't sit on that chair! The paint is still wet. → ...... 4. Don't use your phone on a plane! ..... 5. Don't tease the animals at the zool .......bantu jwb pertanyaan ini kak besok pagi di kumpulkan kak plissssssssssterjemahan bahasa Indonesia ya kak plissssssssss​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. You mustn't enter the room.

- Kamu tidak boleh memasuki ruangan itu.

2. You mustn't smoke in this area.

- Anda tidak boleh merokok di area ini.

3. You mustn't sit on that chair! The paint is still wet.

- Anda tidak boleh duduk di kursi itu. Cat nya masih basah.

4. You mustn't use your phone on the plane.

- Anda tidak boleh memakai handphone didalam pesawat.

5. You mustn't tease the animals at the zoo!

- Anda tidak boleh menyinggung hewan di kebun binatang.

haii, ini jawaban nya yaa :)) semangatt

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Last Update: Thu, 01 Dec 22