makna lagu until i found you versi duet dalam bahasa

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Makna lagu until i found you versi duet dalam bahasa Inggris ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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# The Meaning of "Until I Found You" Duet Version in English

"Until I Found You" is a song by Christian Bautista and Indonesian singer-songwriter, Judika. The duet version of the song was released in 2019 and has a beautiful message of love and hope.

The song talks about how the singers have been searching for their soulmate and how their lives were incomplete until they found each other. The lyrics also speak about the struggles they faced before finding each other, such as heartbreak and loneliness.

The chorus of the song is particularly powerful, with the singers singing, "Until I found you, I didn't know what love was. Until I found you, I didn't know what I was missing. You are my everything, my reason to live. Until I found you, I didn't know what love was."

Overall, "Until I Found You" is a beautiful love song that speaks to the hearts of many. It reminds us that even in our darkest moments, we should never give up on love because it may be just around the corner waiting for us.


kalau salah maaf

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Last Update: Thu, 17 Aug 23