1. Mr praja can make a cake2.my soon Will plant

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari comdimas73 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. Mr praja can make a cake2.my soon Will plant the flower
3.your mother cooks in the kitchen
4.tono and Budi play foot ball
5.the boy eats banana

tolong Carikan kalimat negatif dan tanyanya!!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. (-)Mr. Praja can't make a cake.

1. (-)Mr. Praja can't make a cake. (?)Can Mr. Praja make a cake?

1. (-)Mr. Praja can't make a cake. (?)Can Mr. Praja make a cake? 2. (-)My son won't plant the flower.

1. (-)Mr. Praja can't make a cake. (?)Can Mr. Praja make a cake? 2. (-)My son won't plant the flower. (?)Will my son plant the flower?

1. (-)Mr. Praja can't make a cake. (?)Can Mr. Praja make a cake? 2. (-)My son won't plant the flower. (?)Will my son plant the flower? 3. (-)Your mother not cooks in the kitchen.

1. (-)Mr. Praja can't make a cake. (?)Can Mr. Praja make a cake? 2. (-)My son won't plant the flower. (?)Will my son plant the flower? 3. (-)Your mother not cooks in the kitchen. (?)Does your mother cooks in the kitchen?

1. (-)Mr. Praja can't make a cake. (?)Can Mr. Praja make a cake? 2. (-)My son won't plant the flower. (?)Will my son plant the flower? 3. (-)Your mother not cooks in the kitchen. (?)Does your mother cooks in the kitchen? 4. (-)Tono and Budi not play football.

1. (-)Mr. Praja can't make a cake. (?)Can Mr. Praja make a cake? 2. (-)My son won't plant the flower. (?)Will my son plant the flower? 3. (-)Your mother not cooks in the kitchen. (?)Does your mother cooks in the kitchen? 4. (-)Tono and Budi not play football. (?)Do Tono and Budi play football?

1. (-)Mr. Praja can't make a cake. (?)Can Mr. Praja make a cake? 2. (-)My son won't plant the flower. (?)Will my son plant the flower? 3. (-)Your mother not cooks in the kitchen. (?)Does your mother cooks in the kitchen? 4. (-)Tono and Budi not play football. (?)Do Tono and Budi play football? 5. (-)The boys not eats banana.

1. (-)Mr. Praja can't make a cake. (?)Can Mr. Praja make a cake? 2. (-)My son won't plant the flower. (?)Will my son plant the flower? 3. (-)Your mother not cooks in the kitchen. (?)Does your mother cooks in the kitchen? 4. (-)Tono and Budi not play football. (?)Do Tono and Budi play football? 5. (-)The boys not eats banana. (?)Do the boys eats banana?


I hope this help.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh LIFECODE67 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Mon, 12 Dec 22