THIRD DAILY TEST. I. Choose the correct clause for the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari billyefra2 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

THIRD DAILY TEST. I. Choose the correct clause for the IF Clause below!1.If he applies the job, ... .
a. he gets the job.
b. he Will get the job.
c. he would get the job.
d. he would have gotten the job.
2. If you are loyal, ... .
a. the company Will give you a new contract.
b. the company would give you a new contract.
c. the company gives you a new contract.
d. tha company would have given you a new contract.
3. If she had never used drugs, ... .
a. her life would never be ruin.
b. her life would never been ruin.
c. her life Will be ruin. d. her life would have never been ruin.
4. If we see the sun in the middle of the day, ... .
a. it will be dazzling.
b. it would be dazzling.
c. it's dazzling.
d. it had been dazzling.
5. If he rode hus motorcycle carefully, .
a. he wouldn't have had the accident.
b. he wouldn't have the accident.
c. he won't have the accident.
d. he will have the accident. II. Change the word in the brackets with the most suitable Conditional IF form!
6. She would have graduated from her College, if she (finish) ... her thesis.
7. If he (finish) ... his study, he wouldn't have been a homeless.
8. I would buy a yacht, if I (be) ... a millionaire.
9. If we (be) ... a king and a queen of United Kingdom, we would live in a huge palace. 10. She will be a successful man, if she never (stop) ... learning.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. B

2. A

3. B

4. B

5. B

6. finished

7. finished

8. am

9. are

10. stopped

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Last Update: Mon, 30 Jan 23