Ibn Sina was the most famous of the philosopher-scientists of

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Ibn Sina was the most famous of the philosopher-scientists of Islam. Ibn Sina, or Avicenna, was born in Bukhara then a leading city in Persia. His youth was spent in the company of the most learned men of his time and he became accomplished in all the sciences and arts. Ibn Sina collected in over 100 books the entire scientific knowledge of his time and is called the "Prince of Science". He spent the last years of his life in Hamadan, where he composed the 'Canon of Medicine', which is among the most famous books in the history of medicine.From the text above, we can conclude that the characteristic of Ibn Sina is …?

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The characteristic of Ibn Sina is that he was a philosopher-scientist who was accomplished in all the sciences and arts of his time.

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Last Update: Mon, 12 Jun 23