1.what kind of tone presented in the story above? 2.who

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ardelarizka pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1.what kind of tone presented in the story above?2.who wanted to teach the king a lesson about humiliation?
3.why did theking and ministers pretend they could see the clothes?
4.what kind of lesson we can take from the story above?
5.what is the purpose of the text? ​
1.what kind of tone presented in the story above? 2.who wanted to teach the king a lesson about humiliation? 3.why did theking and ministers pretend they could see the clothes? 4.what kind of lesson we can take from the story above? 5.what is the purpose of the text? ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. The tone presented in "The Emperor's New Clothes" is satirical and humorous. It mocks the vanity, foolishness, and hypocrisy of the characters involved.

2. The two weavers wanted to teach the king a lesson about humiliation.

3. The king and ministers pretended they could see the clothes because they didn't want to appear foolish or admit that they couldn't see anything.

4. One of the main lessons is about the dangers of vanity and the foolishness that can result from it. It warns against blindly following authority figures or popular opinion without using critical thinking.

5. The purpose of the text is to entertain readers with a witty and satirical tale while conveying a moral lesson.


Teks tentang "The Emperor's New Clothes" merupakan narrative text yang ercerita tentang seorang raja yang ingin memiliki segalanya. Hingga akhirnya ia bertemu dengan dua orang penenun yang menawarkan pakaian yang belum ada di dunia. Sang raja tertipu, ternyata pakaian yang ia pesan dengan harga yang mahal adalah pakaian yang tidak ada sehingga tiidak terliht ia berpakaian

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Last Update: Wed, 23 Aug 23