Change the words in the brackets using conditional sentence type

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari melyadiana29 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Change the words in the brackets using conditional sentence type 1!1. If Daniya (drink) milk, she (sleep) soon.
2. Mother (make) a cake if Bono's birthday (come).
3. If they (go) to the library, they (read) some books.
4. Mrs. Sambodo (buy) some carrots if she (visit) the greengrocer.
5. If BTS (be here), we (ask) their signatures.
6. The children (be happy) if the clown (clap) his hands. 00
7. If everyone (throw) the rubbish here, the river (dirty).
8. If Vasya (have) herown stall, she (sell) some clothes
9. If my uncle (buy) me a motorcycie, ! (pick up) you everyday.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. If Daniya drinks milk, she will sleep soon.

2. Mother will make a cake if Bono's birthday comes.

3. If they go to the library, they will read some books.

4. Mrs. Sambodo will buy some carrots if she visits the greengrocer.

5. If BTS is here, we will ask for their signatures.

6. The children will be happy if the clown claps his hands.

7. If everyone throws the rubbish here, the river will get dirty.

8. If Vasya has her own stall, she will sell some clothes.

9. If my uncle buys me a motorcycle, I will pick you up everyday.

Artinya :

1. Jika Daniya minum susu, dia akan segera tidur.

2. Ibu akan membuat kue jika ulang tahun Bono tiba.

3. Jika mereka pergi ke perpustakaan, mereka akan membaca beberapa buku.

4. Ny. Sambodo akan membeli beberapa wortel jika dia mengunjungi penjual sayur.

5. Jika BTS ada di sini, kami akan meminta tanda tangan mereka.

6. Anak-anak akan bahagia jika badut itu memegang tangannya.

7. Jika semua orang membuang sampah di sini, sungai akan kotor.

8. Jika Vasya memiliki gerai sendiri, dia akan menjual beberapa pakaian.

9. Jika paman saya membelikan saya sepeda motor, saya akan menjemput Anda setiap hari.

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Last Update: Wed, 10 May 23