Kerjakan latihan berikut setelah mepelajari tentang coun nouns dan count

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari farliansepri410 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Kerjakan latihan berikut setelah mepelajari tentang coun nouns dan count nouns. Countable benda uang bisa dihitung memiliki bentuk jamak (plural) dan tunggal ( singular)Countable nouns memiliki bentuk jamak jadi bisa mengunakan tobe plurals ( are) namun uncountable tidak punya bentuk plurals dan tidak bisa meengunakan to be plurals (are).
1.Lamb : Joe, would you like (a, some)_____for dinner tonight?
2.Lamb : ______(is, are) born in the spring time
3.Time : it took a lot of_______to write my composition
4.Time : I really like that movie. I saw it three______
5.paper : students in prof. Young’s literature class have to write a lot of_____
6.paper : student who take throughlecture notes use a lot of_____
7.paper : the new york time is (a, some) famous_____ : Rodin’s statue of “the thinker” is one of my favourite_____of art.
9.Work : I have a lot of _______to do tomorrow
10.Light : if_____accidentally (gets, get) in a darkroom, (it, they) can ruin photographic negatives
11.Light : there (is, are) a lot of fluoresent____on the ceiling of the school building.
12.Hair : Erin has straight_____and sara has curly____
13.Hair : Brian has a white cat. when I stood up from Brian’s sofa, my black slacks were covered with short, white______
14.Coffee : we’d like two cheese sandwhiches and two____please
15.Coffee : I don’t drink a lot of_____. I prefer tea
16.Glass : I wear_____because I’m nearsighted
17.Glass : In some countries, people use_____for their tea, in other countries, they use cups. : framed paintings are usually covered with_____to protect them.
19.Iron :________(is, are) necessary to animal and plant life
20.Iron :________(is, are) used to make clothes look neat

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. Lamb: Joe, would you like (a, some) lamb for dinner tonight? [a]
  2. Lamb: Lambs are born in the springtime. [are]
  3. Time: It took a lot of time to write my composition.
  4. Time: I really like that movie. I saw it three times.
  5. Paper: Students in Prof. Young’s literature class have to write a lot of papers.
  6. Paper: Students who take thorough lecture notes use a lot of paper.
  7. Paper: The New York Times is a famous newspaper.
  8. Work: Rodin’s statue of “The Thinker” is one of my favourite works of art.
  9. Work: I have a lot of work to do tomorrow.
  10. Light: If it accidentally gets in a darkroom, it can ruin photographic negatives. [it]
  11. Light: There are a lot of fluorescent lights on the ceiling of the school building. [are]
  12. Hair: Erin has straight hair, and Sara has curly hair.
  13. Hair: Brian has a white cat. When I stood up from Brian's sofa, my black slacks were covered with short, white hair.
  14. Coffee: We’d like two cheese sandwiches and two coffees, please.
  15. Coffee: I don't drink a lot of coffee. I prefer tea.
  16. Glass: I wear glasses because I'm nearsighted.
  17. Glass: In some countries, people use glasses for their tea; in other countries, they use cups.
  18. Glass: Framed paintings are usually covered with glass to protect them.
  19. Iron: Iron is necessary to animal and plant life. [is]
  20. Iron: Iron is used to make clothes look neat. [is]

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Last Update: Thu, 11 May 23