Kuis mudah yg bener dijadikan jawaban tercerdas btw itu sampe

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Kuis mudah yg bener dijadikan jawaban tercerdas btw itu sampe paragraph 3 soalnya ​
Kuis mudah yg bener dijadikan jawaban tercerdas btw itu sampe paragraph 3 soalnya ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Paragraph 1: Geppetto is a puppeteer who creates a puppet named Pinocchio to alleviate his loneliness after the death of his wife.

Paragraph 2: Pinocchio is brought to life and is taught by Geppetto how to live like a human, but struggles with lying and is eventually kidnapped and made a slave by a circus owner.

Paragraph 3: Geppetto searches for Pinocchio and ends up inside a whale's stomach, while Pinocchio escapes the circus and searches for Geppetto, also ending up inside the whale's stomach. They eventually escape and return home together.


The story is about the relationship between Geppetto and Pinocchio, where Geppetto creates Pinocchio as a companion to fill the loneliness in his life after the death of his wife. Pinocchio struggles with understanding the consequences of lying and is eventually kidnapped and made a slave. Geppetto and Pinocchio are reunited when they both end up inside a whale's stomach and are able to escape and return home together.

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Last Update: Tue, 18 Apr 23