Sinta is my daughter. Rudi i's my So, Rudi is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ikow5366 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Sinta is my daughter. Rudi i's my So, Rudi is Sinta's brother2 my grandmothter has 2 brother Paidi & bejo bejo is my

3 Rino is my son Budi is my son. to so Budi is Rino's

4 my brother has a daughter named Rina Rina is my

5 my sister has a son named ikhsan so ikhsan is my

6 i have niece named Santi Santi has a father named Ahmad i'm older than Ahmad my father anal ahmad's father is Roni so Ahmad is my

7 Nani is my aunt shes has a son so her son is my​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

2.My grandmother has two brothers, Paidi and Bejo. Bejo is my uncle.

3.Rino is my son and Budi is also my son. Therefore, Budi is Rino's brother.

4.My brother has a daughter named Rina, so Rina is my niece.

5.My sister has a son named Ikhsan, so Ikhsan is my nephew.

6.I have a niece named Santi. Santi has a father named Ahmad, who is younger than me. My father is older than Ahmad's father, Roni. Therefore, Ahmad is my cousin.

7.Nani is my aunt and she has a son, so her son is my cousin.

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Last Update: Fri, 07 Apr 23