I and my brother were so happy since my grandfather’s

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rell28 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

I and my brother were so happy since my grandfather’s house was located close to the beautiful and greenery farm. One day, I saw my grandfather went to the farm behind the house. I was so curious since I had never gone there. The place looked so scary. My grandfather saw me. Then, he immediately asked me to follow him. And, I was so surprised since there was a flower park behind the farm. The park was full of flowers and butterflies. My grandfather said that he planted all the flowers and took care of them. After that day, I spent my whole day enjoying the time in the park. tolong mencariorientasi?. conflict?. re solution?. re orientasi?. moral?.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Orientation: I and my brother were so happy since my grandfather's house was located close to the beautiful and greenery farm.

Conflict: One day, I saw my grandfather went to the farm behind the house. I was so curious since I had never gone there. The place looked so scary. My grandfather saw me. Then, he immediately asked me to follow him.

Resolution: And, I was so suprises since there was a flower park behind the farm. The park was full of flowers and butterflies.

Reorientation: My grandfather said that he planted all the flowers and took care of them.

Moral: After that day, I spent my whole day enjoying the time in the park.



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Last Update: Mon, 07 Aug 23