Cinderella There was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. He lives

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Cinderella There was a beautiful girl named Cinderella. He lives with an evil (1) ... and two sisters. They (2)... Cinderella very badly and do not appreciate it. Not far from Cinderella's house, there is a beautiful king's (3)... and a big party will be held. Cinderella, their stepmother, and her two sisters were invited to join the party. Nevertheless, Cinderella's mother would not (4)... her to go to the party. He was ordered to (5) a party dress that his mother and sister would wear. While Cinderella did not have time to sew her dress. Cinderella's stepmother and sister then went to the party and left Cinderella alone at home. Aww Pindal QR Code untuk Mendengarkan She felt very sad and kept crying. On the sidelines of her cry, suddenly a (6)... mother emerged and said "Do not cry, I can send you to the dance right now!" But Cinderella continues to cry and looks so sad. He said, "I do not have a (7)... to wear at the dance!" The fairy mother of course was not worried, she then waved her wand and turned Cinderella's old (8)... into a beautiful new dress. Next, the fairy mother touched Cinderella's feet with her wand and suddenly she had beautiful glass shoes. Cinderella was shocked and said, "Wow, thanks, but how will I go to the dance?" Mother elf then went to the kitchen and saw four rats. He turned it into four (9)... horses and a beautiful train. Before Cinderella leaves home, the fairy mother says "Cinderella, you have to come home in the middle of the night, because this magic lasts until (10) ...!" When Cinderella enters the palace, everyone is (11)... by her beautiful face. No one recognizes her because she is so (12) .... Cinderella is so beautiful in their dress and glass shoes. A handsome prince also sees Cinderella and he (13)... in love. He goes to Cinderella and asks, "Do you want to dance?" And Cinderella says, "Yes, I want to dance with you." Prince and Cinderella danced all night and Cinderella was so happy that night. She forgot about the fairy mother's (14)... that she had to come home at midnight​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. stepmother
  2. treat
  3. palace
  4. allow
  5. sew
  6. fairy
  7. dress
  8. clothes
  9. golden
  10. midnight
  11. stunned
  12. different
  13. falls
  14. warning


Ringkasan cerita:

Cinderella tinggal bersama ibu tiri dan dua saudaranya. Mereka memperlakukannya dengan buruk. Ada sebuah istana di dekat rumahnya dan akan diadakan pesta. Ibu tiri Cinderella tidak mengizinkannya ikut pesta tsb. Cinderella disuruh menjahit gaun untuk mereka bertiga. Ketika Cinderella sendirian, muncullah ibu peri dan menyediakan segala keperluan Cinderella untuk menghadiri pesta dansa tsb. Ibu peri berpesan bahwa semua keajaiban ini akan sirna pada tengah malam. Di pesta tsb, semua orang terpukau melihat Cinderella. Mereka tidak mengenalinya karena dia terlihat sangat berbeda. Sang Pangeran jatuh cinta kepada Cinderella.


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Last Update: Sat, 01 Jul 23