Task 1 Listen to the monologue to fill the blanks!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mhmmaddika3 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Task 1 Listen to the monologue to fill the blanks! Why Is Art So Important Art represents an (1)... on which there is virtually no return. However, there is no (2)... that art is not important. Then, why is art important? There are some reasons why art (3) ... an important part to society. First, the arts stimulate the growth of the (4)... sector in the economy. They play an important part in strengthening and shaping the marketplace's ideas. The creation, management, and distribution of art employ many. Not only is it economically (5) ..., but arts also help fulfill self-expression. Research studies from Newcastle University, back in 2013, revealed that attending art exhibitions and viewing (6)... art stimulates multiple cognitive perceptions of the elderly. There is also a demonstrable, positive (7)... between schoolchildren's grades in math and (8) ... and their involvement with art-related activities. Pindai QR Code untuk Mendengarkan Second, painting, sculpture, literature, and other arts are often considered to be the (9) ... of a society's collective memory. Art, in this sense, serves as communication. It allows people from different cultures and different times to (10) ... with each other via images, sounds, and stories. Art is often a vehicle for social change. It can give voice to those who feel politically or socially (11).. A painting, a photograph, or even a simple drawing can stir emotions in those who encounter it, inspiring them to rally for change. Third, arts connect society to its past and people to its (12).... ideas. The arts challenge those connections to find ways of exploring new journeys. The arts are (13) ... and revolutionary; they listen, they revive and they guide. They resist the homogeneous, strengthen the individual, and are independent in the face of the pressures of the mass, the bland, and the (14) .... The return is far beyond palpable of how big or small investments in this sector can be. Art's true value lies in transforming research into ideas. Real art might fail every (15) ... objective set by economists and politicians. But art is always art, no matter its variable outcome. As can be seen from the arguments, it can be concluded that the contribution of art has given a major impact on every sector of society. ....​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. investment
  2. doubt
  3. plays
  4. creative
  5. beneficial
  6. contemporary
  7. correlation
  8. science
  9. repository
  10. interact
  11. marginalized
  12. future
  13. transformative
  14. conformist
  15. measurable


Apabila Merasa Terbantu Jangan Lupa Bintang 5 nya ya kakak :D

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Last Update: Wed, 19 Apr 23