Indigenous plant and animals are few in Easter Island. At

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari annisaikalistya19 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Indigenous plant and animals are few in Easter Island. At the time of European arrival, the toromiro tree was the only wild tree and the Carolina wolfberry the only wild shrub, the vegetation being ..(1).. herbaceous.The toro- miro tree was overexploited by the island wood , and the last local specimen died in the 1950s...(2).., the species was saved from extinc- tion.The Norwegian Archaeological Expedition collected seeds and planted them in the Go- thenburg Botanical Garden, and saplings from the garden were reintroduced to Easter Island in 1988. Today only 31 wild flowering plants, 14 ferns, and 14 mosses are reported. Grass and small ferns dominate the barren landscape, ..(3).. the boggy crater lakes are thickly covered by two imported American species, the totora reed and Polygonum acumination. A number of cultivated species of plant were also intro- duced partly from America and partly from Polynesia before the arrival of Europeans; of these the ..(4).. species was the sweet potato, which was the cultivated in extensive planta- tions and formed the staple diet. Bottle gourds, sugarcane, bananas, taro, yams, and two trees. (i.e., the Asiatic paper mulberry- and the Amer- ican Triumfetta semitriloba) were of aboriginal importation, as also probably were the husk-to- carvers, mato, small variety of pineapple, and the coconut.

1.A) predominant
(B) predominated
(C) predominating
(D) predominance
(E) predominantly
2.(A) However
(B) Moreover
(C) In contrast
(D) for example
(E) Consequently
3. (A) So
(B) Yet
(D) While
(C) Hence
(D) Unlike
4. (A) Principal
(B) Principle
(C) Secondary
(D) Mandatory
(E) Inconspicuous
minta tolong dongg teman2 yg bisa ngerjain please ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. (E) predominantly

2. (E) Consequently

3. (C) Hence

4. (A) Principal

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Last Update: Tue, 08 Aug 23