Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari Kurangtahu123 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Use Simple Past Tense. 1. My car (repair) last week. 2. When (tennis/invent)? 3. The car 4. The film 5. Where. Activity 18 Rewrite the following sentences into passive voice forms. 1. They will build a new grocery store this year. 2. Someone found my wallet. 3. They will deliver my oven on Wednesday. 4. Sinta invited Ganesha to her birthday party. 5. One of the students broke the door. Activity 19 Change active sentences below to passive voice. 1. Gina eats a plate of fruit and vegetables every day. 2. Staff may request a new laptop after working for 2 years. 3. The barista has served one hundred of cups of coffee. 4. Father is cleaning out the garden at the moment. 5. Dani left his homework at home. Grammar Corner 2 Time Connectives In bertatory exposition text, we use time connectives or temporal connectives​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Complete the sentences with the correct passive form of the verbs in brackets. Use Simple Past Tense.

1. My car was repaired last week.

2. Whenwas tennis invented(tennis/invent)?

3. The car wasn’t damaged in the accident.

4. The film was made ten years ago.

5. Where was this pot made.

Activity 18 Rewrite the following sentences into passive voice forms.

1. a new grocery store will be building this year.

2. my wallet was found by someone.

3. my oven will deliver on Wednesday.

4. Ganesha invited by Sinta to her birthday party.

5. the door were broken by one of the students.

Activity 19 Change active sentences below to passive voice.

1. a plate of fruit and vegetables were eaten by Gina every day.

2. a new laptop may be requested by staff after working for 2 years.

3. one hundred of cups of coffee has been served by the barista.

4. the garden was cleaned by father at the moment.

5. the homework was left by Dani at home.


Simple past tense adalah kalimat yang mengekspresikan kejadian yang sudah terjadi dimasa lampau. Verb yang digunakan yaitu verb 2. Terdapat 2 bentuk verb yakni:

  • Irregular (tidak beraturan) = Awake - Awoke
  • Regular (beraturan) = tambahkan -ed/-d di akhir kata kerja. = Stay - Stayed.

Contoh :

  1. I played football with my friends yesterday
  2. JK went to school with his new car last week
  3. They met me at school two days ago

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut

Pelajari lebih lanjut materi past tense pada

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Last Update: Sat, 04 Feb 23