Text 2 Andre is going to make a pancake for

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Text 2 Andre is going to make a pancake for the first time. He needs to follow the recipe to make it but the steps are in the wrong order. Help Andre arrange the steps in the correct order. How to Make a Pancake 1. Next, put two cups of flour and two tablespoons of butter into the bowl along with the wet ingredients and mix them together. 2. Then, heat a pan with a low-medium heat with cooking oil and cup of batter. 3. First, add two eggs and two cups of milk to the bowl as the wet ingredients. Whisk it together until it is smooth and lump-free. 4. Finally, put the pancake on a plate and serve it with toppings you like. 5. Cook the pancake for one to two minutes until the bottom of the pancake is golden brown. Flip and cook until the pancake turns golden.​

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How to Make a Pancake

3. First, add two eggs and two cups of milk to the bowl as the wet ingredients. Whisk it together until it is smooth and lump-free.

1. Next, put two cups of flour and two tablespoons of butter into the bowl along with the wet ingredients and mix them together.

2. Then, heat a pan with a low-medium heat with cooking oil and cup of batter.

5. Cook the pancake for one to two minutes until the bottom of the pancake is golden brown. Flip and cook until the pancake turns golden.

4. Finally, put the pancake on a plate and serve it with toppings you like.

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Last Update: Thu, 08 Jun 23