A Brave Girl Once upon a time, there was a

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A Brave GirlOnce upon a time, there was a little girl who had supematural power. She was called Naomi. She lived in a forest near a village. She lived there with an old woman. No one knew who her parents were. Although she lived near the village, she never talked to the villagers. It was because she was afraid that the villagers knew her power. It was a cold night and a giant suddenly attacked the village. He squirted the villagers' houses with fire from his big mouth. The villagers cried, screamed, and came out of their houses. They were so scared. The giant picked a baby boy and he was about to eat him. 4. Knowing about this, Naomi quickly took the baby and gave him to his parents. The giant, of course, was mad at her. He tried to punch and to squirt her with his fire, but she could escape from his attacks. When he was exhausted, she used her supernatural power to defeat him. He vanished at once. The villagers, then, thanked Naomi. Naomi felt glad to save them all. After what happened, Naomi often visited and talked to the villagers. Naomi with her supernatural power became the guardian of the village.

Task 6
Answer each question according to the text above!

1. Why did Naomi never talk to the

2. Why did the villagers come out of their houses while crying and screaming? Answer:

3. Why was the giant mad at Naomi? Answer:

4. Could Naomi defeat the giant?

5. what does 'exhausted' mean in the third paragraph?
answer :

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1) Because she afraid that the villagers knew her power

2) Because a giant suddenly attacked the village and he squirted the villagers' houses with fire from his big mouth

3) Because Naomi quickly took the baby that teh giant was about to eat and gave the baby to his parents

4) Yes, she could

5) Kelelahan

Semangat belajar! ^_^

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Last Update: Sun, 16 Apr 23