After studying the material of initiation, please share your opinion

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After studying the material of initiation, please share your opinion about how Morphology and Syntax are related to each other. Do they both have the same position to learn language?​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Morphology and syntax are closely related fields of linguistics that are concerned with the structure of language. Morphology is the study of the internal structure of words and how they are formed, while syntax is the study of how words are combined to form phrases and sentences.

In terms of learning language, morphology and syntax are both important components of language acquisition. Children first learn the basic units of language, such as words and their meanings, through the process of morphology. As they become more proficient in their language, they learn to combine these words into larger structures, such as phrases and sentences, through the process of syntax.

However, while both morphology and syntax are important for language learning, they play different roles in the acquisition process. Morphology is more concerned with the formation of words and the rules that govern their structure, while syntax is more concerned with the rules that govern the combination of words into larger structures.

In terms of their position in language learning, morphology is typically learned earlier than syntax. This is because children first need to learn the basic building blocks of language, such as individual words and their meanings, before they can begin to understand how these words are combined to form larger structures.

Overall, while morphology and syntax are related fields of linguistics, they play different roles in language learning and acquisition. Both are important for understanding the structure of language, but they are learned at different stages of development and serve different purposes in the acquisition process

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Last Update: Thu, 10 Aug 23