Activity 5 Read the text below and complete the table!

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari FauzanOFFICIAL pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Activity 5 Read the text below and complete the table!Sarah and Lisa are best friends. They really love reading novels. They even set an appointment to go to bookstore together and look for interesting books. They are going to go to bookstore on Saturday next week. This time next week, they will be looking for some books. Sarah is going to pick Lisa up next week at 1 p.m. Lisa will be dressing before Sarah comes. She won't be leaving home yet. After Sarah picks Lisa up, will they be leaving home to go to the bookstore. Before going to the bookstore, they will be having lunch in a café. They will not be ordering junk food. They will be eating fried rice. After that, they will be hunting some books in the bookstore. They will not be visiting cooking recipe section. They will be visiting novels section. They will be driving home at 5 p.m. Next week, they will not be going to the bookstore. They will be going to the library in their town. Will Sarah be picking up Lisa next week? Lisa will be going to the bookstore by herself because the library near to her house.

》Future Continuous

1.Tense Positive Sentences
2.Negative Sentences
3.Interrogative Sentences

plisss bantu jawab nanti saya jadikan jawaban terbaik,bintang 5,dan sukai juga follow cari yg banyak pada teks diatas ya !​
Activity 5 Read the text below and complete the table! Sarah and Lisa are best friends. They really love reading novels. They even set an appointment to go to bookstore together and look for interesting books. They are going to go to bookstore on Saturday next week. This time next week, they will be looking for some books. Sarah is going to pick Lisa up next week at 1 p.m. Lisa will be dressing before Sarah comes. She won't be leaving home yet. After Sarah picks Lisa up, will they be leaving home to go to the bookstore. Before going to the bookstore, they will be having lunch in a café. They will not be ordering junk food. They will be eating fried rice. After that, they will be hunting some books in the bookstore. They will not be visiting cooking recipe section. They will be visiting novels section. They will be driving home at 5 p.m. Next week, they will not be going to the bookstore. They will be going to the library in their town. Will Sarah be picking up Lisa next week? Lisa will be going to the bookstore by herself because the library near to her house. 》Future Continuous 1.Tense Positive Sentences 2.Negative Sentences 3.Interrogative Sentencesplisss bantu jawab nanti saya jadikan jawaban terbaik,bintang 5,dan sukai juga follow cari yg banyak pada teks diatas ya !​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


possitive setence:

1. they will be looking for some books.

2. they will be having lunch in a café

3. They will be going to the library in their town.

4. They will be eating fried rice

5.Lisa will be dressing before Sarah comes.

6. they will be hunting some books in the bookstore

7. They will be driving home at 5 p.m.

8. They will be going to the library in their town

9. Lisa will be going to the bookstore

negattive setence :

1. They will not be ordering junk food.

2. They will not be visiting cooking recipe section.

3. they will not be going to the bookstore

interrogative setence :

1. Will Sarah be picking up Lisa next week?



(+) S + will + be + v-ing + present P

(-) S + will + not + be + v-ing + present P

(?) Will + S + be + v-ing + present P

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Last Update: Fri, 09 Dec 22