A. Read Maggie's email to her friend about a family

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fadhilahfitri893 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

A. Read Maggie's email to her friend about a family party. Answer the questions. 1.What is the event and when is it happening?2.How many people are coming?
3.What is everybody doing to help?

B. Imagine you are helping to prepare for one of these events:
•a family party
•a celebration for one of your friends
•a goodbye party for your teacher

Write an email to a friend and tell him/her what is happening.

A. Read Maggie's email to her friend about a family party. Answer the questions. 1.What is the event and when is it happening? 2.How many people are coming? 3.What is everybody doing to help? B. Imagine you are helping to prepare for one of these events: •a family party •a celebration for one of your friends •a goodbye party for your teacherWrite an email to a friend and tell him/her what is happening.TOLONG JANGAN NGASAL TERIMA KASIH ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



1. the event is leaving party for her sister and is it happening on tonight

1. the event is leaving party for her sister and is it happening on tonight2. about 50 people up coming

1. the event is leaving party for her sister and is it happening on tonight2. about 50 people up coming3. cleaning and cooking and things. My mum's in the kitchen preparing food, and my dad's helping her. My sister Gill and my brother Alex are putting up a big tent and some lights in the garden, and some of my sister's friends are putting out the tables and chairs.


maaf ya bgian b. ini saya kurang paham


jangan lupa lope dan bintngnya

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Last Update: Wed, 07 Dec 22