1. What is the topic of the conversation? 2. What

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nadyaulyasalimah15 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. What is the topic of the conversation?2. What information is the reporter looking for from Meg?
3. What is the goal that Meg wanted to achieve?
4. What is expressed by the reporter about Meg's success?
5. What are the expression that you usually use to compliment and congratulate other people in Indonesia? List them. ​
1. What is the topic of the conversation? 2. What information is the reporter looking for from Meg? 3. What is the goal that Meg wanted to achieve? 4. What is expressed by the reporter about Meg's success? 5. What are the expression that you usually use to compliment and congratulate other people in Indonesia? List them. ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

The answer from questions above are:

  1. The topic of the conversation is Meg's victory in the running competition.
  2. The reporter is looking for information about Meg's feeling of joining that race and be the last runner.
  3. The goal that Meg wanted to achieve is to see if she could make it through a race, plus she wants to get one of those cute T-shirt.
  4. The expression that the reporter expressed about Meg's success is "you've made it! good job!" / "you certainly showed them!" / "congratulations for hanging in there!"
  5. The expression that you usually use to compliment and congratulate other people in Indonesia: "selama ya atas kemenangannya!" /  "wah! hebat sekali!" / "Itu sangat bagus!" / "gambaranmu indah sekali." / "gaunmu cantik." dan sebagainya.


Compliment is an expression that we show or say to express/give praise (pujian adalah sebuah ekspresi yang kita tunjukan atau ucapkan untuk mengekspresikan atau memberikan pujian kepada seseorang atau sesuatu). Complimenthanya bisa berlaku sebagainoun (kata benda) atau verb (kata kerja), serta tidak bisa berdiri sendiri sebagai sebuah ucapan. Contoh: She gets all the compliments for wearing the victorian dress.

Congratulations is an action of showing our happiness, care, or our appreciation for someone's success and special day (ucapan selamat adalah sebuah aksi untuk menunjukkan kebahagiaan, kepedulian, atau penghargaan kita atas kesuksesan dan hari istimewa seseorang).

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Last Update: Wed, 30 Nov 22