preset past parfet bahasa inggris Dalam cerita danau toba

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari fitriatunsalma pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Preset past parfet bahasa inggris
Dalam cerita danau toba

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Present past perfect tense adalah suatu tense yang dimana menggambarkan suatu kejadian yang terjadi sebelum satu spesifik waktu dimasa lampau dan telah selesai sebelum kejadian lain yang terjadi dimasa lampau juga. Yang termasuk ke dalam present pas perfect dalam cerita danau toba adalah they found their mother and talked her about it.


Adapun Rumus Past Perfect adalah sebagai berikut:

(+) S + had + Verb-3

(-) S + had + not + Verb-3

(?) had + S + Verb-3?

Berikut cerita danau toba:

Once upon a time, there was a handsome. His name was Batara Guru Sahala. He liked fishing. In one day, he caught a fish. He was surprised to find out that the fish could talk. The fish begged him to set it free.

Batara Guru Sahala couldn't bear it. He made the fish free. As soon as it was free, the fish changed into a very beautiful woman. She attracted Batara Guru Sahala so much. He felt in love with that fish-woman. The woman wanted to marry with him and said that Batara Guru Sahala had to keep the secret. Batara Guru Sahala agreed and promised that he would never tell anybody about it.

They were married happily. They had two daughters. In one day, Batara Guru Sahala got very angry with his daughter. He couldn't control his mad. He shouted angrily and got the word of fish to his daughters. The daughters were crying. They found their mother and talked her about it.

The mother was very annoyed. Batara Guru Sahala broke his promise. The mother was shouting angrily. Then the earth began to shake. Volcanoes started to erupt. The earth formed a very big hole. People's believed that the big hole became a lake. Then this lake is known as Toba Lake.

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Last Update: Mon, 19 Dec 22