kak tolong dibantu..besok dikumpulkanubahlah kalimat tersebut menjadi pasive formChange the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari monicamandaa08 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Kak tolong dibantu..besok dikumpulkanubahlah kalimat tersebut menjadi pasive form
Change the sentences into PASSIVE FORM

1. Simple Present Tense
a. He keeps something in the cupboard
b. They do the tasks correctly
c. I make delicious cupcake every week

2. Simple Past Tense
a. She studied English seriously
b. They wrote a poem in the classroom
c. The man spoke English fluently

3. Present Continous Tense
a. We are cooking friend rice now
b. He is driving a car fastly
c. The children are eating ice cream

ubahlah kalimat tersebut menjadi active form
Change the sentences into ACCTIVE FORM

1. Present Future tense
a. A song will be sung by me on the stage
b. A cup of tea will be drunk by father
c. The text will be read by her in front of class

2. Past Continous Tense
a. The room was being cleaned by someone yesterday
b. The woods were being cut by the carpenter
c. The view was being being drawn by the man

3. Present Perfect Tense
a. A plate of fried rice has been eaten by her
b. A new dress has been bought by the girl
c. The floor has been swept by monic​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.



Active Form:

1.Simple Present Tense

a. He keeps something in the cupboard.

b. They perform the tasks correctly.

c. I bake delicious cupcakes every week.

2.Simple Past Tense

a. She studied English seriously.

b. They composed a poem in the classroom.

c. The man spoke English fluently.

3.Present Continuous Tense

a. We are cooking fried rice now.

b. He is driving a car quickly.

c. The children are eating ice cream.

Active Form:

1.Present Future Tense

a. I will sing a song on stage.

b. Father will drink a cup of tea.

c. She will read the text in front of the class.

2.Past Continuous Tense

a. Someone was cleaning the room yesterday.

b. The carpenter was cutting the woods.

c. The man was drawing the view.

3.Present Perfect Tense

a. She has eaten a plate of fried rice.

b. The girl has bought a new dress.

c. Monica has swept the floor.

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Last Update: Fri, 12 May 23